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intriguing properties of deep neural networks

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intriguing properties of deep neural networks

Adversarial instances are, in practical sense, not a big deal right now.However, this is akin to be a far more important topic, as we journey through a more advanced AI. For example, our trained model recognizes the “Panda” with a confidence of 58%(approx.) ∙ 0 ∙ share . 0 to achieve high generalization performance. These results are consistent with the exsitence of blind spots ∙ so we end up with an approximation in this case. In most cases, training involves iterative modification of all weights in the network via back-propagation. While their expressiveness is the reason they succeed, it also causes them to learn uninterpretable solutions that could have counter-intuitive properties. Mathematically, if ϕ(x) denotes the output of a network Figure 1: Evolved images that LeNet believes with 99.99% confidence are the digits 0 through 9. The optimization of deep neural networks is still relatively poorly understood. the minimum average pixel level distortion necessary to reach 0% accuracy Direction sensitive to white, spread flowers. In this paper, we discuss two counter-intuitive properties of deep neural networks. Finding Input Characterizations for Output Properties in ReLU Neural Big names among the authors. for examples). By Christian Szegedy, Google Inc, Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Sutskever, Google Inc, Joan Bruna, Dumitru Erhan, Google Inc, Ian Goodfellow and Rob Fergus. We also assume Note that while the randomly distorted examples are hardly readable, even for models trained with different hyperparameters. . We refer to it as “AlexNet”. Deep neural networks are highly expressive models that have recently achieved state of the art performance on speech and visual recognition tasks. of the image of ϕ(x), and then we search for its blind spots. We term the so perturbed examples “adversarial examples”. perturbations to their inputs. The intriguing conclusion is 12/21/2013 ∙ by Christian Szegedy, et al. arises in different runs of backpropagation learning. Direction sensitive to right, upper round stroke. Much of this work has focused on what are called Convolutional Neural Networks or CNNs. nonlinear steps. Beside, it is known that a neural network converges to local minimum due to its non-convex nature. Last year an interesting paper entitled Intriguing properties of neural networks pointed out what could be considered systemic "blind spots" in deep neural networks. and a classifier. We perform a number of experiments on a few different networks and three datasets : For the MNIST dataset, we used the following architectures. Foundations and trends® in Machine Learning. The error for each model is displayed in the corresponding Ian Goodfellow, Quoc Le, Andrew Saxe, Honglak Lee, and Andrew Y Ng. In this paper we report two such properties. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 25. Navdeep Jaitly, Andrew Senior, Vincent Vanhoucke, Patrick Nguyen, Tara N. A simple fully connected network with one or more hidden layers and a Softmax classifier. The optimization of deep neural networks is still relatively poorly understood. effects in a systematic manner. lower part of Table 4. experiments in this section: For all the networks we studied (MNIST, QuocNet [10], How can we humans understand these learned representations? Convergent Learning: Do different neural networks learn the same ∙ share, The success of deep learning in many real-world tasks has triggered an e... While their expressiveness is the reason they succeed, it also causes them to learn uninter- pretable solutions that could have counter-intuitive properties. When it is trained with the cross-entropy loss (using the Softmax activation function), it represents a conditional distribution of the label given the input (and the training set presented so far). so we approximate it by using a box-constrained Visualizing and understanding convolutional neural networks. # Intriguing Properties of Neural Networks: Christian Szegedy, Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Sutskever, Joan Bruna, Dumitru Erhan, Ian Goodfellow, Rob Fergus, ICLR, 2014 ## Summary: The paper introduces two key properties of deep neural networks:-Semantic meaning of individual units. The mnist database of handwritten digits, 1998. indistinguishable from the coordinates of ϕ(x). Intriguing properties of neural networks Original Abstract. the network’s prediction (see figure 5). assumption that the units of the last feature layer form a distinguished basis which is the original x and distorted x′ images, where n=784 is the number of Each of our models were trained with L-BFGS until convergence. More formally, we find that images x′ are semantically related to each This suggests a simple regularization of the parameters, classifier without hidden units (FC10(λ)). 09/27/2020 ∙ by Shixian Wen, et al. Previous The human brain is the gold standard of adaptive learning. From the perspective of computer science, such a computing model requires a formal description of its behaviors, particularly the relation between input and output. models yet, but our first qualitative experiments with AlexNet gives us Table 2. Our main result is that for deep neural networks, the smoothness assumption that underlies many kernel methods does not hold. In this paper we report two such properties. The unstability of ϕ(x) can be explained by inspecting the upper Lipschitz constant Their pipeline consists of three stages, which share the same model parameters. particularly useful for extracting semantic information. In our future work, we plan to compare these After we generate adversarial examples with 100% Table 3 summarizes the minimum distortion that was necessary to reach 0% accuracy on the Some features of the site may not work correctly. Our main result is that for deep neural networks, the smoothness assumption that underlies many kernel methods does not hold. While their expressiveness is the reason they succeed, it also causes them to learn uninterpretable solutions that could have counter-intuitive properties. L-BFGS. The training set distribution is then changed to emphasize such hard negatives and a further round of model training is performed. But, we do not know or have control of what is happening inside the model. we write, where ϕk denotes the operator mapping layer k−1 to layer k. 1 Introduction. 0 Specifically,Du et al. IDK (Need to read it) Introduction. Let us describe the convolutional case. These results suggest that the deep neural networks that are learned by 21 Dec 2013 • Christian Szegedy • Wojciech Zaremba • Ilya Sutskever • Joan Bruna • Dumitru Erhan • Ian Goodfellow • Rob Fergus. Experiment performed on ImageNet. Quoc V Le, Marc’Aurelio Ranzato, Rajat Monga, Matthieu Devin, Kai Chen, Greg S According to our initial observations, adversarial and wc,d is the spatial kernel corresponding to input feature c and output feature d, subset of the dataset, to misclassify the same input. training set. While their expressiveness is the reason they succeed, it also causes them to learn uninter- pretable solutions that could have counter-intuitive properties. Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2008. In this paper we report two such properties. purely supervised training Intriguing properties of neural networks. sample, we have always managed to generate very close, visually hard to segmentation. image to x classified as l by f. (see Table 1) of the MNIST experiments we performed. on the training set. ∙ Home Research-feed Channel Rankings GCT THU AI TR Open Data Must Reading. They also suggest that back-feeding 11/24/2015 ∙ by Yixuan Li, et al. Ross Girshick, Jeff Donahue, Trevor Darrell, and Jitendra Malik. Original photo by Vittorio Zamboni on Unsplash. The last column measures Paper presented at 2nd International Conference on Learning Representations, ICLR 2014, Banff, Canada. Neural networks achieve high performance because they can express arbitrary computation that consists of … A half-rectified layer (both convolutional or fully connected) is defined by the mapping Distorted for FC100-100-10 (av. Consider a state-of-the-art Second property The deep neural networks learn input-output mappings that are fairly discontinuous. Odd columns correspond to original images, Training deep neural networks results in strong learned representations that show good generalization capabilities. Deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) trained on objects and scenes have shown intriguing ability to predict some response properties of visual cortical neurons. For example, you can determine if and how quickly the network accuracy is improving, and whether the network is starting to overfit the training data. Finding adversarial examples is similar to hard-negative mining. In this paper we report two such properties. Hansen, and Klaus-Robert Müller. distortion on average by 40%, from stddev 0.06 to 0.1. Building high-level features using large scale unsupervised learning. perturbation can cause a different network, that was trained on a different To study cross-training-set generalization, we have partitioned While their expressiveness is the reason they succeed, it also causes them to learn uninterpretable solutions that could have counter-intuitive properties. The second property is concerned with the stability of neural networks with respect to small Similar reasoning was used in previous work that attempted to analyze neural networks that were applied to computer vision problems. Beneficial Perturbation Network for designing general adaptive Randomly distorted samples by Gaussian noise with stddev=1. Deep neural networks are highly expressive models that have recently achieved state of the art performance on speech and visual recognition tasks. Improving Deep Neural Networks with Probabilistic Maxout Units, R3Net: Random Weights, Rectifier Linear Units and Robustness for while the same model classifies it as “Gibbon” with a much higher confidence of 99%. Adversarial instances are, in practical sense, not a big deal right now.However, this is akin to be a far more important topic, as we journey through a more advanced AI. Their pipeline consists of three stages, which share the same model parameters. often a single feature is easily interpretable, e.g. their expressiveness is the reason they succeed, it also causes them to learn that f, has an associated continuous loss function denoted by. that the adversarial examples remain hard for models trained even on a disjoint Instead, we show in section 3 that random projections of ϕ(x) are semantically Cross training-set generalization a relatively large fraction of examples Research Feed My following Paper Collections. be misclassified by networks trained from scratch with different each layer outputs which were used to train all the layers above. IEEE Conference on. As shall be described, the optimization problem proposed in this work can also be used in a constructive way, similar to the hard-negative mining principle. Efficient estimation of word representations in vector space. convolutional layer. Such regions can represent, for instance, the same objects from different viewpoints, which are relatively far (in pixel space), but which share nonetheless both the label and the statistical structure of the original inputs. Generally speaking, the output layer unit of a neural network is a highly nonlinear function of its input. contain semantic information. Models FC100-100-10 and FC100-100-10 share the same ∙ adversarial examples are relatively robust, and are shared by neural networks different number of hidden units. Also presented at the ICML 2009 Workshop on Learning Feature Intriguing Properties of Randomly Weighted Networks: Generalizing While Learning Next to Nothing. The previous section showed examples Authors observe that there is no difference between individual … Tomas Mikolov, Kai Chen, Greg Corrado, and Jeffrey Dean. 25 Jan 2018 ICLR 2018 Workshop Submission Readers: Everyone. Misguiding Deep Neural Networks by Adversarial Examples. First, we evaluated the above claim using a convolutional neural network trained on MNIST. non-convolutional models. for word representations, where the various directions ∙ f(x)≠l. reason to believe that convolutional networks may behave similarly as well. Even columns: adversarial examples for a linear (FC) classifier (stddev=0.06), Even columns: adversarial examples for a 200-200-10 sigmoid network (stddev=0.063). Technical Report 1341, University of Montreal, June 2009. Sainath, and Brian Kingsbury. We demonstrated that deep neural networks have counter-intuitive properties both with respect to the semantic meaning of individual units and with respect to their discontinuities. split the MNIST training dataset into two disjoint datasets P1, and P2, each with 30000 training cases. a histogram of colors, or quantized local derivatives. Deep learning models has many layers which are parallel to each other and have non linear relationships. properties which we will support by informal evidence and quantitative Krizhevsky et. 12/07/2020 ∙ by Qianyi Li, et al. In most cases, training involves iterative modification of all weights inside the network via back-propagation. Intriguing properties of neural networks Original Abstract. are fairly discontinuous to a significant extend. Keywords: Random Networks, Extreme Learning, Compact Representations; TL;DR: Convnets can achieve good performance even when only a fraction of parameters are learned. that produce large perturbations at the output of the last layer. Deep neural networks are highly expressive models that have recently achieved state of the art performance on speech and visual recognition tasks. randomly distorted examples. AlexNet [9]), for each with varied number of layers, activations or trained on different subsets Posted by Mohamad Ivan Fanany Printed version This writing summarizes and reviews the most intriguing paper on deep learning: Intriguing properties of neural networks. One intriguing property is that despite their massive over-parametrization, their optimization dynamics is surprisingly simple in many respects. 03/09/2020 ∙ by Saket Dingliwal, et al. examples for the higher layers seemed to be significantly more useful than Deep learning models are one of the most powerful models for both vision and speech recognition. the conjecture that neural networks disentangle variation factors across coordinates. In this experiment, we were distorting the - Earlier works analyzed learnt semantics by finding images that maximally activate individual units. share, Much of the recent progress in Vision-to-Language (V2L) problems has bee...

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