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if someone smiles at you they are using their quizlet

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if someone smiles at you they are using their quizlet

​At what level of input and control should a new employee be placed? Though she is not sure that she was the best candidate, she feels that she never really got the chance to demonstrate her skills. ​Bob hates his work but will work hard if the supervisor is around to punish employees who are not working. Another thing that can hint at a person’s emotional state is if they squint or open the eyes more widely. Conflicts which arise between various groups is probably caused by: ​A manager is about to make a decision regarding work schedules. ​Individuals from one part of the organization often rely on individuals from other departments in the company in order to meet common goals. It’s really simple and obvious, I know, but sometimes we forget to just ask for what we need. ​Discussing an employees' strengths and weaknesses on the job is characteristic of _______ to training. Another thing that can show signs of anxiety is the covering of the front of the neck. ​An interesting extension of the trait theory of leader performance suggests that certain traits are necessary requirements for leadership excellence but do not guarantee it. ​______ is a person's ability to select, set, and modify goals to adapt to changing conditions. ​_____ leadership focuses on task-oriented behaviors whereas _____ leadership focuses on long-term goals. When people are genuinely excited they will begin to bounce their feet up and down. There are a number of reasons that you should try to get into the habit of smiling more often. In an empowerment chart, at what level would she be at regarding her authority to make decisions about when these two breaks should occur? These are through: ​Which of the following is NOT a personal consequence of stress? It needs an additional 40 employees to complete the job but will not need them once the job is done. The person may give the half-smile to show that everything is ok and to avoid drawing any attention to themselves. According to _______, the employees probably will perform well. When you’re in a bad mood, smile – even if you don’t feel like it – because it will immediately improve your mood. ​Although it can take a lot of time and effort, the best style for handling conflict is: ​A manager wants to increase the quality of his employee's decisions. I created and currently manage Body Language Central, one of the premier sources for body language-related knowledge. ______ listeners listen for the main ideas in communication whereas ______ listeners listen to the way communication is spoken. ​Job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment attempt to satisfy needs at which level? Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of someone we would model? ​A commonly used instrument to measure a person's need for power and affiliation is the: ​The Job Choice Exercise measures needs for: ​A leader who uses an achievement-oriented style: ​According to Situational Leadership Theory, the most effective leader behavior to use on staff who are unable and unwilling to do a job is: ​Based on the Path Goal theory, House (1971) believes that a leader's behavior will be accepted by subordinates only to the extent to which the behavior: ​Leaders who are high in task orientation and low in person orientation will have: ​According to Hogan (1989) poor leaders are unable to learn from experience and are unable to think strategically. You’ll spread joy with a good smile. ​Which of the following is the biggest reason that employees miss work? ​Which of the following tips is probably not conducive to effective listening? Thus, when she hires someone, she knows they will perform well and has a lot of confidence in them. If the person covers the front of the neck after smiling then that could also suggest that the smile was covering up feelings of anxiety or it could suggest that the smile was in submission. ​Some people claim to be "night people" and others claim to be "morning people." Which of the following leadership types is not high in task orientation? One when you think someone's really an idiot. ​Which of the four behavioral leadership styles proposed by House calls for planning, organizing, and controlling the activities of employees? This type of smile will usually be easy to recognize and may cause you to get very frustrated when someone does it. ​Organizational change can be encouraged by all of the following except: ​An employee who ______ might be vulnerable to being downsized. The people who smiled the most turned out to live 7 years longer than those who didn’t. The ‘fear face’ expression is seen on a person’s face very briefly when he’s frightened because it fades away rather quickly. ​Which of the following statements probably refers to a problem associated with an "open door" policy rather than serial communication? This trouble is probably the result of: ​Mary refuses to let go of her anger for her previous employer. When someone is with a person or a group of people that they like they will often begin to mirror their behavior. The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). ​Managers constructing a reinforcement hierarchy for employees are probably using: ​In expectancy theory, _____ is the perceived relationship between the amount of effort an employee puts in and the resulting outcome, and ______ is the extent to which the outcome of a worker's performance will result in a particular consequence. ​Employees on the 7th floor go to lunch together and employees on the 2nd floor play together in a city basketball league. Although he takes Vitamin B supplements, during the day, he is tired, irritable, and has trouble concentrating. It’s important to note that the area that a person grew up in can influence their comfort zones. Here’s an explanation of these smiles, what they mean, and how they may affect the people you encounter. You can read more about me and my website here. ... a. wealthy men because wealth is the criterion they use to estimate their best chances for reproductive success. It could be a sign that she does not think too highly of you, according to a study. ​_______ are leaders who overcome their insecurity by overconfidence. If you know that the person that smiled at you likes you then it could be that the smile was a subconscious mirroring behavior designed to build rapport with you. One when you think someone an idiot. b. This could be considered as more of a smirk than a smile. If you know that the person that smiled at you likes you then it could be that the smile was a subconscious mirroring behavior designed to build rapport with you. If a person smiles at you after beating you at something mischievous and then they don’t get in trouble for it then they might give you a sinister type of smile designed to rub salt in the wounds. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. This smile is definitely one you’ll want to jot down in your notebook. ​A top executive never receives negative information from her staff. Andy Rooney. Though accepting the new job would seem to be an easy decision to make, Sara feels she should remain with Midwest. ​Employees who work with highly motivated employees are likely to be _______ than employees who work with unmotivated coworkers. On the basis of research, this change should result in Carole: ​Janice is angry about a promotion decision. If the person gave you what appeared to be a genuine smile and you notice that they have a habit of touching you more frequently then that would suggest that they are genuinely pleased to see you. Modeling is a very useful training method. ​To help employees cope with stress and personal problems, ______ employers provide employee assistance programs (EAPs). Dave seems to believe in: ​An internal force that drives a worker to perform well is: ​Which part of a pay plan is designed to motivate employees? The inability to retain this information is influenced by: A ____ contains all of the specific rules under which an organization operates and is a method of ______ communication. Smile Mean Else. If someone gives you a forced smile where they don’t pull back at the mouth and the eyes then it would suggest that they have some negative feelings. Although, if it is a man then he may speak in a deeper voice if he is attracted to you. ​A Solomon Four Groups Design attempts to do all of the following except: A task analysis conducted as part of a training needs assessment is made easier if: ​_______ is the systematic acquisition of skills, rules, concepts, or attitudes that result in improved performance. ​Approximately what percentage of organizations have gainsharing plans? When trying to figure out the meaning behind a smile thinking about the setting could help you. Someone you see regularly just grows on you after a while. It is a rectangular-shaped smile in which teeth sets are close to each other and the lower jaw is slightly exposed. ​Approximately what percent of employee absenteeism is due to illness? He takes great effort to make sure that his employees know that if he promises a reward, he will always keep his word. To reduce future turnover, Andrea should develop: Approximately ____ of employees change jobs each month. ​Sally is angry about a promotion decision. ​Which job satisfaction scale asks employees to rate the importance of a facet as well as their level of satisfaction with the facet? If you get into the habit of smiling more you’ll likely find that it will improve your mood. If you have had a bad history with the person then that would make it more likely that the smile was more of a smirk especially if they did it after doing something bad to you. You can clearly see someone hiding something from you, but their closed lips would not reveal the truth. Read a letter, card, or email from someone who thought of you when you were going through a hard time. If you smile at your boss and she smiles back, beware. ​When communication overload gets too extreme an employee might begin to miss a lot of work or even resign. ​According to two-factor theory, ____ is an example of a hygiene factor. Human beings make this expression when they’re frightened, excited, surprised, or anxious– anything that has an element of fear mixed with it. ​A leader with a _______ style leads through the use of strategy and is most effective in a situation of disorganization. ​After organizational change has occurred, what is the first step in assessing the new culture? ​Janice sends all of her new employees to a self-esteem workshop. ​An administrative assistant who screens an executive's phone calls, opens his mail, and keeps. Smiles over the phone might be unseen, but they are most definitely heard. ​Which of the following services is NOT needed by layoff victims? You have five smiles Pete. ​An organization undergoing change should try to get the change completed no later than: ​With ______, an employee works on an irregular or as-needed basis. Seems to me he simply acknowledged that you saw him as interesting...probably boosted his self esteem alittle, we all need that, but moreso feel that he may be devoted to someone special in his life and by putting his head down, pretty much would tell me in body language that he loves someone and is respecting his girl, and is not taking the bait of her "sizeing him up". He should have: ​Which of the following is NOT associated with social inhibition or facilitation? Denton is using a _____ system. ​Having support groups in which downsized employees can vent would be most useful during which of the following stages? 4. If you didn’t think that they gave you a genuine smile but you notice that they are looking away often then that would suggest that they are feeling a bit anxious and they might actually want to leave. This is an example of which type of communication network? Many people may be unaware of their body language and might be embarrassed if you bring it up. ​Which of the following is NOT an example of nonverbal communication: ​Mrs. When someone is with a person or a group of people that they like they will often begin to mirror their behavior. What the receiver actually hears refers to ____ of the message; how this information is interpreted refers to ____ of the message. Another thing that you should consider is when they smiled. The project is going great so Lilly decides to reduce her effort. Matt seems to believe in: ​Which of the following is NOT a factor in determining the effectiveness of an incentive program? Only if they said you have nice boobs otherwise get the fuck out! They are working an alternative work schedule called: ​People who like to make decisions and take charge run into problems when they are hired by an organization that is team oriented. ​Making goals _______ would not increase their effectiveness. These examples demonstrate the importance of ____ in forming groups. ​The physical and psychological consequences to stress are called: ​Shota closes his eyes and engages in several minutes of slow, rhythmic breathing. 3. [Click image to reveal answer] 2. ​According to your text, _____ emerge as leaders most often. ​Feedback works best when it is given in _____ amounts and ______ feedback is provided. ​Hogan (1989) has identified characteristics associated with poor leadership. ​Role ____ develops when employees feel they lack the skill or workplace resources to complete a task. If a person smiles at you then talks in a higher pitch voice then that would suggest that they are excited to see you. Which of the following types of power is inherent in the position a person holds? It may surprise you a lot :). ​Which of the following is NOT important for readability? Bob's stress level can probably be explained by: ​Mary always asks her boss if she needs help and is willing to stay late. When we’re happy it can cause our pupils to dilate while being sad can cause our pupils to constrict. ​Feedback is most effective when it focuses on an employee's ______ and the supervisor explains how the behavior impacts _____ . They will also likely show other signs of attraction. It’s important not to draw conclusions from single body language signals and the smiling will likely come with a number of other body language signals for you to look for that will tell you more about how they are feeling. It could also improve people’s feelings towards you because they may start to mirror your smiling which could influence their feelings towards you on a subconscious level. This type of smile won’t appear to be a genuine smile and will be more likely to occur when they say something or right after they have said something. Some people, for example, will never look you in the eye. Which of the following would NOT be discussed during financial counseling? ​When employees receive word of downsizing, the first stage they go through is: ​Raja has been working for Shahidi Enterprises for five years. She is convinced that she was the best candidate and can't believe she wasn't offered the job. ​Research by McClelland and Burnham (1976) and McClelland and Boyatzis (1982) has demonstrated that high performance managers have a "leadership motive pattern." ​Some people have a high need for attention. ​Which need theory has three levels of needs and allows individuals to skip levels? ​High LPC leaders perform best when the situational favorability is: ​Leaders with ____ styles lead through energy whereas a leader with affiliation style leads through _____. Some, body language signals that would likely accompany this would be having the arms in an open position, dilated pupils, feet facing away from the exit, no foot tapping, they will be more likely to add to the discussion, there will be a lack of face or neck rubbing and they may mirror other peoples body language. Remember even though the outside world might be raining, if you keep on smiling the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you. ​A problem with _____ plans, is that they are based on subjective supervisor ratings. For example, you will see many smiles like this among politicians, where they don’t smile because they like something but they have to smile as others are watching them, including their seniors. Therefore, when you notice that someone is mirroring your actions, it means that they are in synch with you, that they are deeply captivated by the conversation. She works by herself in a building, sorting mail. This type of smile will be a genuine smile as described above. ​An organization that provides food during training and allows the employees to choose the training topics, is trying to motivate employees to: ​Supervisors who set goals, provide feedback, and encourage employees to use their training are trying to motivate employees to: transfer what is learned in training to the job. What does a fake smile mean? ​According to Judge and Watanabe (1994), job satisfaction and life satisfaction are: ​The cost to replace an employee who leaves is approximately: ​An employee determines if she is being treated equitably by ____ weighing the _____ inputs and outputs associated with herself and other employees. Janice's dissatisfaction is consistent with research on: ​According to research, an employee's job satisfaction level is consistent: ​Two employees are performing the same job and are required to meet the same standards; however, one employee makes $2 per hour more for the job. The _____ yells a lot for attention and the _____ gets attention by poking fun at others. This type of smile would be more likely to occur in a social setting when one of their friends looks at them or asks them something. ​Sara was out of work for 9 months before being hired by Midwest Medical Supplies. ​Meta-analyses indicate that several traits differentiate excellent leaders from poor leaders. A company gets a huge, one-time order. If the person doing the smiling does it in a business setting then it could be due to signaling or submission depending on the status of the person that is doing it. If you ran into him on the street and he smiles at you, he is signalling you to tell you that he thinks you are good looking. ​According to meta-analyses, which of the following is the most effective way to reduce absenteeism? ​If you were to develop a test to determine who would be most satisfied with their jobs, you would probably develop a test that would identify people with a high level of: ​Which of the following is NOT a nonverbal cue category? ​An employer will give $3 each month to every employee with perfect attendance. ​Counseling programs designed to help employees reduce stress are called: ​Which of the following relaxation techniques is designed to relax the body? ​The barriers to interpersonal communication that can cause conflict are: ​A group comprised of 12 members will be _____ cohesive and have ____ morale than one comprised of five members. Good luck! ​Which of the following training methods requires trainees to discuss appropriate and inappropriate employee behaviors, watch the appropriate behavior being performed and role play the appropriate behavior? [Click image to reveal answer] 3. It is standard advice in sales and customer service to smile while talking on the phone. ​A group member who coordinates the group's activities and finds new information is ____. ​Fred's parents tell him to try his best in college. ​Maria is under a great deal of stress. ​Temea spends a lot of effort selecting her employees. ​Which of the following can help reduce stress? Smiles are the best, aren't they? If you want to learn more about body language, a book I would recommend would be The Definitive Book of Body Language (on Amazon). ​Poorly substantiated information is known as: If you made an oral presentation to your class on styles of listening, who would most likely remember the number of listening styles? Her commitment to Midwest is a good example of: ​People prone to be satisfied with their jobs have: ​Which of the following is most likely to be satisfied with their jobs? ​____ of employees think their attendance record is better than their coworkers. They may talk at a higher pitch than usual. The baseball card study also found a clear correlation between how big a smile someone made on a baseball card photo and how long they would live. This is because it will make you appear to be more approachable and you’ll look more friendly. Smiling more could actually help you socially. If it was right when they saw you then it would be likely to have a different meaning if it was after being with you for 10 minutes. If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it. There are many ways that someone can smile at you and there are multiple possible meanings behind it. How closely a person chooses to stand near you can also tell you something about their feelings towards you. This type of smile will likely come with some body language signals that show discontent. However, if the two of you are already acquainted, at least a little bit anyways, he will smile at you as a method of flirting. ​Mary notices that none of the other members of her group are working hard so she decides to lower her effort. ​Which of the following theories uses the Least-Preferred Coworker scale to help a person understand their leadership style? START. Which one is NOT listed as a source of conflict? She found that the biggest reason employees were leaving is that they couldn't handle the stress associated with conflicts with other employees.

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