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global supply chain definition ap human geography

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global supply chain definition ap human geography

... a strong global focus with more than 50 up-to-date case studies from all over the world is a distinguishing feature of this study book. the worldwide system that a business uses to produce products or services. Matching game, word search puzzle, and hangman also available. Global supply-chain governance (SCG) is a term that originated around the mid-2000. All rights reserved, Insights and Inspiration to Help Grow Your Business, Check for Pre-qualified Credit Card Offers, Credit Intel – Financial Education Center. Daren Samuels is practice director of operations at Patina Solutions, which offers on-demand executives in all industries and is headquartered in Brookfield, Wisconsin. Based on the idea that certain types of political and economic relations (especially colonialism) between countries and regions of the world have created arrangements that both control and limit the extent of which regions can develop. “So getting it right is really important," he says. If your company has outposts in the supply chain throughout, say, Asia and Europe, your business may find it easier to start selling to those parts of the world as well. Odds are, something will go wrong somewhere along the chain. According to Samuels, a supply chain can consume up to 85 percent of a company's revenue. Example Questions. © 2021 American Express Company. There are so many facets that need to be in sync. the “glocal” form tourism has taken in Mauritius. AP Human Geography Samples and Commentary from the 2019 Exam Administration: Free-Response Question 2 - Set 2 Author: College Board Subject: AP Human Geography Samples and Commentary from the 2019 Exam Administration: Free-Response Question 2 - Set 2 Keywords Foreign affiliates no longer only engage, in serving local markets in host countries, but often export more than host country domestic firms. There's a lot of value in thinking about a global value chain. global supply chains the continuous buying and selling of goods and services, covers all the steps needed to get a good or service from supplier to consumer patterns of global food distribution are affected by political systems This natural process can be greatly accelerated by human activities that remove vegetation from soil. You can start to see how things could start to add up. A network of labor and production processes beginning with the extraction or production of raw materials and ending with consumption. Let's say you didn't have a global supply chain, and your supply chain was relegated to one particular region. Extractor sells to processor sells to shipper sells to retailer sells to consumer. Supply chain management efforts enhance and improve efficiencies throughout every stage of the process, making it quicker, easier, more affordable and valuable to both the company and end users. If your business doesn't have enough working capital and can't pay for its own infrastructure, it probably won't stay in business very long. Correct answer: True, yet food remains too expensive for many people. A global value chain, however, describes it all, and when you have a global supply chain, you need to be thinking about it all. Supply chain disclosure Earlier this year, we decided to disclose the list of suppliers alongside a variety of data of our priority raw materials that are part of our Responsible Sourcing program. Again, it all comes down to cost. AP Human Geography Course and Exam Description ... of a global supply chain. Granted, at first glance, you wouldn't think extending a supply chain around the planet would help a business bring down the price of their final product or service. Supporting an ethical supply chain means that companies will incorporate social and human rights and environmental considerations into how they do business across the world. Especially if you're dealing in e-commerce, “it's critical for businesses to be able to reach as many customers as quickly—and cheaply—as possible," says Jake Rheude, vice president of marketing at Red Stag Fulfillment, a third-party logistics (3PL) company headquartered in Knoxville, Tennessee. In commerce, global supply-chain management is defined as the distribution of goods and services throughout a trans-national companies' global network to maximize profit and minimize waste. A clear plan for your logistics is also imperative. A global supply chain needs to be as efficient as possible, so costs don't go out of control. You also need to replenish some items and do procurement planning. Global value chains (GVC) come in two major categories depending on which actor has the most significant influence. Basically, if a partner, vendor or supplier adds value to your business, and could hurt your supply chain if something broke down, then that's an important part of your global value chain—even if it's only indirectly part of the supply chain. Your best preparation for the exam is to know your stuff. places where livestock are concentrated in a very small area and raised on hormones and hearty grains that prepare them for slaughter at a much more rapid rate than grazing, often referred to as factory farms. Vertical Organization. But many countries have lower production costs that make it attractive to expand a supply chain to other parts of the world. 38, No. Source: adapted from Manuj, I. and J.T. The term global value chain refers to an international supply chain of people and activities that go into creating and offering goods or services when the supply chain needs to be managed across different countries. Global supply chains have a distinct geography that involves the dimensions of production, distribution and consumption. Many manufacturing companies can benefit from a global supply chain, and certainly any business that wants to be an international force and sell to countries around the world is going to need a robust system for getting its products or services from Point A to Point B. “Just because you, the customer, got free shipping on that order from [a department store] doesn't mean shipping was actually free. 3, pp. Study free AP Human Geography flashcards and improve your grades. The definitions have been provided for you on this sheet with each term in the list below. Abstract. This geography, at the heart of many sourcing strategies, is often neglected by supply chain managers, or at least scholars investigating supply chain management. 4 Diagnostic Tests 225 Practice Tests Question of the Day Flashcards Learn by Concept. Geography was therefore the study of how the physical environment caused human activities. 14: 6109577175: Shifting Cultivation However, UN Global Compact participants rank supply chain practices as the biggest challenge to … And if you don't have the working capital or resources to quickly fix a problem that suddenly surfaces, you could quickly have a problem that doesn't go away any time soon. Employees—the information they need to keep the system running, the resources that they use—and even the tools businesses use to stay compliant with government regulations can be considered part of a global supply chain. crops that are considered nonessential and non subsistence, extensive land use in areas for the raising of animals, typically in places that it is too harsh to grow crops, the mediterranean has a warmer year round climate as well as less precipitation in areas that grow corn and rice, good for growing things like dates, olives, grapes, citrus fruits, and almonds, a form of commercial agriculture where produce is grown at a small scale and sold to a local consumer, located in zone 1 of the Von Thunen model, areas in which people live that they do not have access to fresh nutritious food, typically found in low income neighborhoods where grocery stores are largely absent instead there are small convenient stores with processed food. Vertical Organization. For instance, say you produce too many goods, and they end up sitting in a warehouse for an extended period of time. Number each card (19-27). Learning the definition of (and best practices for) global supply chain now can help when your company is ready to go global. AP Human Geography : Global Food Distribution & Famine Study concepts, example questions & explanations for AP Human Geography ... False, in the past two decades population has outstripped food supply. —Jake Rheude, vice president of marketing, Red Stag Fulfillment. That sounds simple enough, yet a global supply chain can be anything but. This college-level course introduces students to the systematic study of patterns and processes that have shaped human understanding, … Movement of soil components, especially topsoil, from one place to another, usually by wind, flowing water, or both. This, of course, sounds like the definition of a global supply chain. Because global supply chain management usually involves a plethora of countries, it also usually comes with a plethora of new difficulties that need to be dealt with appropriately. Introduce the concept of a supply chain. “We're in a very competitive industry, as there are lots of warehouses all over the country, placed strategically near urban centers to minimize delivery distance," Rheude says. But another benefit is that a global supply chain can make it easier to sell to customers around the world. A company’s entire supply chain can make a significant impact in promoting human rights, fair labour practices, environmental progress and anti-corruption policies. Introduction an arrangement in which the supply chain of a company is owned by that company Fordist notion of a modern economic and social system based on an industrialized … If your business produces a product to sell to the public on large scale, you may do well to have a global supply chain, if you don't have one already. Supply Chain and Operations Management ... human resource planning. Soper demonstrates how global tourism * Inclusion of Jim Rubenstein’s essay is not an endorsement by the editor or the College Board AP Human Geography Program of the author’s human geography textbook for use in AP Human Geography courses. a large corporation buys and controls different steps in the food industry with a set of economical and political processes (rather than just production, controls distribution and processing), a network of labor and production processes beginning with the extraction of raw materials to delivery, composed of 5 connected sections, farmers have guaranteed market as long as the product meets standards, (uniform, delivery timeline) but poor farmers cannot afford investment in crops (such as seeds and fertilizers) and get contracted to large corporations, multi-cropping is replaced by monoculture, land is cleared and vegetation is lost, erosion because of chemical use, loss of security because of monoculture, lack of native crops, blending of quaternary, tertiary, secondary, and primary activity because small family farms get taken over by large companies and then they control all aspects of the supply chain, long term and fast adjustments, the continuous buying and selling of goods and services, covers all the steps needed to get a good or service from supplier to consumer, patterns of global food distribution are affected by political systems, because of the internal problems going on within a country such as war or human rights issues, this can influence the distribution of agricultural products throughout the world or international trading, patterns of global food distribution are affected by infrastructure, in some LDC's the lack of needed infrastructure such as technology or reliable roads, make it difficult to move food around the country- and even more difficult to move it around the world in order to make a profit from these products, patterns of global food distribution are affected by patterns of world trade, while trade agreements can increase the distribution of food by making an alliance between countries in order to trade, embargoes can make it more difficult to distribute agricultural products because of the ban on trade or commercial activity with a certain country, began in the late 19th century and picked up speed throughout the 20th century with each of the 3 phases starting from North America, this term refers to the changes in agricultural production with high yield varieties ("miracle" seeds, ex: wheat and rice), positive consequences of the green revolution, negative consequences of the green revolution, -environmental damage from pesticide, fertilizer, and irrigation use, seeds that were bred to respond to fertilizers to increase the amount of grain per acre, the use of these decreased the amount of seed varieties being used, increased fertilizer use, and increased irrigation, the result of cross pollinating to different but related plants in order to create a plant that would withstand things such as weather, soil, and predator insects, increased chemical and mechanized farming, the replacement of human labor with machines and machines (tractors, combines, reapers) as well as the addition of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides, the government can make policies to make it more favorable to grow crops, a form of government sponsored financial aid to support an industry or program, these are used in agriculture so that the government can influence crop production and stabilize crop prices, an event or situation that decreases farm profits dramatically, food shortages from natural or human causes, the prolonged unbalanced diet without proper nutrition, common in LDC's, factors affecting the location of food processing facilities: markets, the concept of the Von Thunen model with the correlation of the product to the market, factors affecting the location of food processing facilities: economies of scale, more produced=cheaper production cost, there are some areas where transportation and operating costs are too expensive to make a profit, factors affecting the location of food processing facilities: transportation, some factors (ex: perishability) of the product affects the cost of transportation, factors affecting the location of food processing facilities: government policies, subsidies can affect location by making it more attractive to be located in a certain area, the technology for the manipulation of living organisms or their components to produce useful products, an organism who has required one or more genes by artificial means using DNA technology (about 60-70% of food products in the US), debate over: genetically modifies organisms, some regions have food preferences because of dietary laws involving religion, no genetic modifications, pesticides, antibiotics, synthetic hormones, or artificial fertilizers- this can bring higher prices but is more costly to grow, giving farmers fair prices for their products to create safe working conditions, provide a decent living wage, and guarantees the right to organize, there is processing and specialty growth leading to the increased cost, foods associated with a local or regional geographic name for the product, the support of local restaurants buying from local farmers therefor minimizing the distance between the producer and consumption, reduces fossil fuel use, air pollution and green house gas emmisions, the extension of scientific innovation (GM's and biotechnology) to all plant and animal products. Study concepts, example questions & explanations for AP Human Geography. Sample Decks: Chapter 1 vocab, Chapter 10 Quiz #2, AP Human Geography Final Show Class 🧍Human Geography - A level AQA 🧍Human Geography - A level AQA ... Making Places Definitions 🏞🌅🌇🏡, Global Migration Definitions🌍, Human Rights Definitions 👩🏽 Show Class AP Human Geography. PSO-5.E.2: Some countries have become highly dependent on one or more export commodities. Cash flow and a good financial steward is obviously vital. PSO-5.E.3: The main elements of global food distribution networks are affected by political relationships, infrastructure, and patterns of world trade. The global supply chain journey has four … Of course, you could argue that you're increasing your risks by having a global supply chain. CREATE AN ACCOUNT Create Tests & Flashcards. 192-223. Even your custodial service might be considered part of your global value chain, especially if your product or service is in the food or medical industries. definition of trafficking, including vdebt bondage, forced labour and enforced prostitution. Please review. Explain to students that a supply chain is a network of people and activities that help move a product from start to consumption by the end user. For ratifying countries, they set The subtle difference is that a global supply chain generally is referred to when discussing the manufacturing and distribution steps. If that area had a severe natural disaster, you could see your entire business come to a halt for a few days, weeks or even longer, depending on how bad of a disaster we're talking. For example, you probably wouldn't include your research and development or marketing team when talking about your global supply chain. Global supply chain management focus on the global business, and it applies on firms who are increasingly focus on both domestic and global markets. All users of our online services subject to Privacy Statement and agree to be bound by Terms of Service. It is a governing system of rules, structures and institutions that guide, control, and lead supply chains, through policies and regulations, with the goal of creating greater efficiency. You also may be able to bring down expenses by purchasing goods and services from a supplier when the dollar is stronger against the national currency of the country that you're doing business with. This is the first disclosure of its kind in the industry and aims at increasing transparency in the agri-food sector. Advanced Placement Human Geography (also known as AP Human Geo, AP Geography, APHG, AP HuGe, AP HuG, AP Human, or HGAP) is an Advanced Placement social studies course that studies human geography.The test is administered by College Board.. Through AP courses in 38 subjects, each culminating in a … Home Embed All AP Human Geography Resources . A measure of income inequality within a population, ranging from zero for complete equality, to one if one person has all the income. Risks in Global Supply Chains. commodity chain the link of products from growth (corn), to processing (high-fructose corn syrup), manufacturing of the final product (can of soda), to distribution of the final product to stores (12 pack of soda at the grocery store); the global commodity supply … That may sound extreme, but hire the wrong people, and you could lose a lot of money over the years. The definition of global supply chain is given to pupils ‘the journey travelled by clothing, food items and other products through different factories, suppliers and warehouses before ending up as the finished product we buy in shops’. The big difference is that global supply chain management involves a company's worldwide interests and suppliers rather than simply a local or national orientation. So a major component of supply chains is to use 3PLs to help fill that cost gap by minimizing the resources sunk into moving orders from point A to point B.". AP Human Geography: A Study Guide is designed to help you prepare for the exam by giving you a sound footing in human geography concepts and topics. Food and beverage, mining companies, oil and gas, electronics and the textile industries are just a few of the many that thrive with global supply chains. If you place importance on every piece of the system that produces your goods or services, your business is less likely to be inefficient and run into trouble in the future. A supply chain is commonly organized as a sequence of locations, from the extraction of raw materials taking place in resource regions to the locations of final consumption, forming a network. A global supply chain definition is pretty straightforward: It is the worldwide system that a business uses to produce products or services. But the better the supply chain management, the lower those risks can be. Essentially, global supply chain-management is the same as supply-chain management, but it focuses on companies and organizations that are trans-national. A structuralist theory that offers a critique of the modernization model of development. You’re also potentially spreading your risk by having a global supply chain. But that's why it can be smart to think about a global value chain along with your global supply chain. To take advantage of the benefits of globalization, you need to know the negatives and how to respond to them. There are a lot of factors that come together to make a global supply chain successful, and it's almost impossible to pinpoint one as the most important. A 19th- and early 20th- century approach to the study of geography that argued that the general laws sought by human geographers could be found in the physical sciences. (Freight and transportation obviously will always add numbers to the bottom line.) Encourage students to think about how the complexity of a supply chain might vary for different types of products; for example, produce that is sold at a farmers market versus a CD that is sold at a store. It looks like your browser needs an update. For instance, Struss says that if you have valuable components being made or stored in warehouses, your manufacturing plants may require using “only clear trash bags and, depending on the size and value of the components, lunch box inspections at clock out may make sense.". To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. The questions do require reading … Things such as managing waste and avoiding employee theft is also very important, so you want to have policies that prevent loss, says Mark Struss, practice director of manufacturing operations at Patina Solutions. World Economic Forum (2012) New Models for Addressing Supply Chain and Transport Risk. For complex products, a multitude of origins, intermediary stages, and destinations imply the setting of global supply chains—intermediary locations where activities such as warehousing take place also need to be … ... (UN) as the above mentioned definition in the question. They add a lot of value, but you could probably produce or distribute your goods without them. It's important to run the supply chain well so that you don't lose money on it. One of the benefits of a global supply chain is lowered costs for businesses. AP Human Geography AMI Day 3 Directions: Make vocabulary cards for #19-27 only (term on side 1, complete definition on side 2). 2.2 Non-Binding Frameworks Relevant to Human Trafficking & Global Supply Chains Legally-binding instruments are central reference points for business. College Board’s Advanced Placement® Program (AP®) enables willing and academically prepared students to pursue college-level studies—with the opportunity to earn college credit, advanced placement, or both—while still in high school.

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